
I'm sam

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

PN Level 1 Nutrition Coach 

Former corporate girly turned fitness coach.

Sam is a former corporate event planner turned fitness coach. She was a high school athlete and was always interested in health and wellness. But in college, Sam gained a lot of weight due to a demanding schedule and too much partying. When she started working a busy corporate job, it was even harder to lose the weight. It took a toll on her mental health and she felt uncomfortable in her own skin.She had tried every diet under the sun. Cutting carbs, intermittent fasting, weight watchers, but nothing worked. She tried all the trendy workout classes from SoulCycle to OrangeTheory, pilates, yoga, you name it. She was frustrated and giving up hope. 

After years of trial and error, she finally found a few coaches on social media who were talking about lifting weights and calorie deficits. She had never really tracked her food before, because it always felt restrictive. She figured she was eating healthy, so she should be losing weight! But when she learned about energy balance, she realized that wasn’t the case. 

She started lifting weights, focusing on protein, and tracking her food. Finally, it all clicked. She started seeing progress quickly, and fell in love with weight lifting. Sam lost 25 lbs. But more importantly, she fixed her relationship to food and discovered her passion for fitness and nutrition. 

Sam was so passionate about it that she wanted to help others do the same. She had seen so many women like her struggle to see results, and she wanted to show them that they could do it too. She decided to get her personal training certification and switch careers. Sam’s first training job was at New York Sports Club, then a few local gyms in Brooklyn. She eventually started her own business. 

Now, Sam helps busy women reach their fitness goals and gain confidence, without sacrificing their social lives. 

But then she transformed her life.

work with sam